//Created by libAntimony v2.4 model tomida2003__model() // Assignment Rules: NFAT_tot := NFATP_cyt + NFAT_cyt + NFAT_nuc; k1 := piecewise( k1_stim , stim_on == 1 , k1_unstim ); stim_on := piecewise( 1 , ( geq(time_, time_before_stim)) && (rem(time_ - time_before_stim, stim_wavelength) <= stim_duration ), 0 ); Jdephosphorylation := k1 * NFATP_cyt - k2 * NFAT_cyt; Jtranslocate := k3 * NFAT_cyt; Jexport := k4 * NFAT_nuc; percentage_NFAT_cyt := (NFAT_cyt * 100) / NFAT_tot; percentage_NFATP_cyt := (NFATP_cyt * 100) / NFAT_tot; percentage_NFAT_nuc := (NFAT_nuc * 100) / NFAT_tot; // Rate Rules: NFATP_cyt' = Jexport - Jdephosphorylation; NFAT_cyt' = Jdephosphorylation - Jtranslocate; NFAT_nuc' = Jtranslocate - Jexport; // Variable initializations: time_ = ; NFATP_cyt = 5000; NFAT_cyt = 0; NFAT_nuc = 0; k1_unstim = 0; k1_stim = 0.359; k2 = 0.147; k3 = 0.06; k4 = 0.035; stim_wavelength = 3; stim_duration = 0.5; time_before_stim = 1; rem = ; end model *tomida2003____main() // Sub-modules, and any changes to those submodules: model_: tomida2003__model(); end