//Created by libAntimony v2.4 // Warnings from automatic translation: // Unable to use the formula "PKACII_RyRtot + (epsilon * RyR * PKACII_RyR) / Ks_RyR_PKAC" to set the assignment rule for PKACII_RyR: Loop detected: PKACII_RyR's definition (PKACII_RyRtot + (epsilon * RyR * PKACII_RyR) / Ks_RyR_PKAC) either includes itself directly (i.e. 's5 := 6 + s5') or by proxy (i.e. 's5 := 8*d3' and 'd3 := 9*s5'). // Unable to use the formula "PP1_RyRtot + (epsilon * RyRp * PP1_RyR) / Ks_RyR_PP1" to set the assignment rule for PP1_RyR: Loop detected: PP1_RyR's definition (PP1_RyRtot + (epsilon * RyRp * PP1_RyR) / Ks_RyR_PP1) either includes itself directly (i.e. 's5 := 6 + s5') or by proxy (i.e. 's5 := 8*d3' and 'd3 := 9*s5'). // Unable to use the formula "PP2A_RyRtot + (epsilon * RyRp * PP2A_RyR) / Ks_RyR_PP2A" to set the assignment rule for PP2A_RyR: Loop detected: PP2A_RyR's definition (PP2A_RyRtot + (epsilon * RyRp * PP2A_RyR) / Ks_RyR_PP2A) either includes itself directly (i.e. 's5 := 6 + s5') or by proxy (i.e. 's5 := 8*d3' and 'd3 := 9*s5'). // Unable to use the formula "RyRtot + (epsilon * RyR * PKACII_RyR) / Ks_RyR_PKAC" to set the assignment rule for RyR: Loop detected: RyR's definition (RyRtot + (epsilon * RyR * PKACII_RyR) / Ks_RyR_PKAC) either includes itself directly (i.e. 's5 := 6 + s5') or by proxy (i.e. 's5 := 8*d3' and 'd3 := 9*s5'). // Unable to use the formula "RyRptot + (epsilon * RyRp * PP1_RyR) / Ks_RyR_PP1 + (epsilon * RyRp * PP2A_RyR) / Ks_RyR_PP2A" to set the assignment rule for RyRp: Loop detected: RyRp's definition (RyRptot + (epsilon * RyRp * PP1_RyR) / Ks_RyR_PP1 + (epsilon * RyRp * PP2A_RyR) / Ks_RyR_PP2A) either includes itself directly (i.e. 's5 := 6 + s5') or by proxy (i.e. 's5 := 8*d3' and 'd3 := 9*s5'). model saucerman_2004__environment(time_) // Variable initializations: time_ = ; end model saucerman_2004__PKACII_RyR(PKACII_RyR, RyR, Ks_RyR_PKAC, epsilon) // Variable initializations: PKACII_RyR = ; PKACII_RyRtot = 0.034; RyR = ; Ks_RyR_PKAC = ; epsilon = ; end model saucerman_2004__PP1_RyR(PP1_RyR, RyRp, Ks_RyR_PP1, epsilon) // Variable initializations: PP1_RyR = ; PP1_RyRtot = 0.034; RyRp = ; Ks_RyR_PP1 = ; epsilon = ; end model saucerman_2004__PP2A_RyR(PP2A_RyR, RyRp, Ks_RyR_PP2A, epsilon) // Variable initializations: PP2A_RyR = ; PP2A_RyRtot = 0.034; RyRp = ; Ks_RyR_PP2A = ; epsilon = ; end model saucerman_2004__RyR(RyR, RyRtot, PKACII_RyR, Ks_RyR_PKAC, epsilon) // Variable initializations: RyR = ; RyRtot = ; PKACII_RyR = ; Ks_RyR_PKAC = ; epsilon = ; end model saucerman_2004__RyRp(RyRp, RyRptot, PP1_RyR, PP2A_RyR, Ks_RyR_PP1, Ks_RyR_PP2A, epsilon) // Variable initializations: RyRp = ; RyRptot = ; PP1_RyR = ; PP2A_RyR = ; Ks_RyR_PP1 = ; Ks_RyR_PP2A = ; epsilon = ; end model saucerman_2004__RyRtot(RyRtot, RyRsum, RyRptot) // Assignment Rules: RyRtot := RyRsum - RyRptot; // Variable initializations: RyRsum = ; RyRptot = ; end model saucerman_2004__RyRptot(RyRptot, RyR, RyRp, PP1_RyR, PP2A_RyR, PKACII_RyR, Ks_RyR_PP1, Ks_RyR_PP2A, Ks_RyR_PKAC, epsilon, time_) // Rate Rules: RyRptot' = kPKA_RyR * ((epsilon * RyR * PKACII_RyR) / Ks_RyR_PKAC) - (kPP1_RyR * ((epsilon * RyRp * PP1_RyR) / Ks_RyR_PP1) + kPP2A_RyR * ((epsilon * RyRp * PP2A_RyR) / Ks_RyR_PP2A)); // Variable initializations: RyRptot = 1.0; kPKA_RyR = 54.0; kPP1_RyR = 8.52; kPP2A_RyR = 10.1; RyR = ; RyRp = ; PP1_RyR = ; PP2A_RyR = ; PKACII_RyR = ; Ks_RyR_PP1 = ; Ks_RyR_PP2A = ; Ks_RyR_PKAC = ; epsilon = ; time_ = ; end model saucerman_2004__KMrel(KMrel, RyRsum, RyRptot) // Assignment Rules: KMrel := (1.64 / (1.0 + RyRptot / RyRsum)) * KMrel0; // Variable initializations: KMrel0 = 1.0; RyRsum = ; RyRptot = ; end model saucerman_2004__TnI(TnI, TnItot, TnIp) // Assignment Rules: TnI := TnItot - TnIp; // Variable initializations: TnItot = ; TnIp = ; end model saucerman_2004__TnIp(TnIp, TnI, time_) // Rate Rules: TnIp' = (kPKA_TnI * PKAC * TnI) / (KM_PKA_TnI + TnIp) - (kPP2A_TnI * PP2A * TnIp) / (KM_PP2A_TnI + TnIp); // Variable initializations: TnIp = 1.0; kPKA_TnI = 54.0; kPP2A_TnI = 10.1; KM_PKA_TnI = 21.0; KM_PP2A_TnI = 3.0; PKAC = 1.0; PP2A = 1.0; TnI = ; time_ = ; end model saucerman_2004__KMTnC(KMTnC, TnIp, TnItot) // Assignment Rules: KMTnC := (1.0 + 0.45 + TnIp / TnItot) * KMTnC0; // Variable initializations: KMTnC0 = 1.0; TnIp = ; TnItot = ; end model saucerman_2004__kinetic_parameters(epsilon, RyRsum, Ks_RyR_PKAC, Ks_RyR_PP1, Ks_RyR_PP2A, TnItot) // Variable initializations: epsilon = 10.0; RyRsum = 0.135; Ks_RyR_PKAC = 21.0; Ks_RyR_PP1 = 7.0; Ks_RyR_PP2A = 4.1; TnItot = 70.0; end model *saucerman_2004____main() // Sub-modules, and any changes to those submodules: environment: saucerman_2004__environment(time_); PKACII_RyR: saucerman_2004__PKACII_RyR(PKACII_RyR0, RyR0, Ks_RyR_PKAC, epsilon); PP1_RyR: saucerman_2004__PP1_RyR(PP1_RyR0, RyRp0, Ks_RyR_PP1, epsilon); PP2A_RyR: saucerman_2004__PP2A_RyR(PP2A_RyR0, RyRp0, Ks_RyR_PP2A, epsilon); RyR: saucerman_2004__RyR(RyR0, RyRtot0, PKACII_RyR0, Ks_RyR_PKAC, epsilon); RyRp: saucerman_2004__RyRp(RyRp0, RyRptot0, PP1_RyR0, PP2A_RyR0, Ks_RyR_PP1, Ks_RyR_PP2A, epsilon); RyRtot: saucerman_2004__RyRtot(RyRtot0, RyRsum, RyRptot0); RyRptot: saucerman_2004__RyRptot(RyRptot0, RyR0, RyRp0, PP1_RyR0, PP2A_RyR0, PKACII_RyR0, Ks_RyR_PP1, Ks_RyR_PP2A, Ks_RyR_PKAC, epsilon, time_); KMrel: saucerman_2004__KMrel(KMrel0, RyRsum, RyRptot0); TnI: saucerman_2004__TnI(TnI0, TnItot, TnIp0); TnIp: saucerman_2004__TnIp(TnIp0, TnI0, time_); KMTnC: saucerman_2004__KMTnC(KMTnC0, TnIp0, TnItot); kinetic_parameters: saucerman_2004__kinetic_parameters(epsilon, RyRsum, Ks_RyR_PKAC, Ks_RyR_PP1, Ks_RyR_PP2A, TnItot); end