//Created by libAntimony v2.4 model pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__environment(time_) // Variable initializations: time_ = ; end model pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__membrane(V, R, T, F, time_, i_Na, i_Ca_L, i_t, i_ss, i_f, i_K1, i_B, i_NaK, i_NaCa, i_Ca_P, i_K_slow) // Assignment Rules: i_Stim := piecewise( stim_amplitude , ( geq(time_ - floor(time_ / stim_period) * stim_period, 0)) && (time_ - floor(time_ / stim_period) * stim_period <= stim_duration ), 0 ); // Rate Rules: V' = -(i_Na + i_Ca_L + i_t + i_ss + i_K_slow + i_f + i_K1 + i_B + i_NaK + i_NaCa + i_Ca_P + i_Stim) / Cm; // Variable initializations: V = -80.50146; R = 8314.5; T = 295; F = 96487; Cm = 0.0001; time_ = ; i_Na = ; i_Ca_L = ; i_t = ; i_ss = ; i_f = ; i_K1 = ; i_B = ; i_NaK = ; i_NaCa = ; i_Ca_P = ; i_K_slow = ; stim_period = 1; stim_duration = 5e-3; stim_amplitude = -0.6; end model pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__sodium_current_m_gate(m, V, time_) // Assignment Rules: m_infinity := 1 / (1 + exp((V + 45) / -(6.5))); tau_m := 0.00136 / ((0.32 * (V + 47.13)) / (1 - exp(-(0.1) * (V + 47.13))) + 0.08 * exp(- V / 11)); // Rate Rules: m' = (m_infinity - m) / tau_m; // Variable initializations: m = 0.004164108; V = ; time_ = ; end model pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__sodium_current_h_gate(h, V, time_) // Assignment Rules: h_infinity := 1 / (1 + exp((V + 76.1) / 6.07)); tau_h := piecewise( 0.0004537 * (1 + exp(-(V + 10.66) / 11.1)) , geq(V, -(40)) , 0.00349 / (0.135 * exp(-(V + 80) / 6.8) + 3.56 * exp(0.079 * V) + 310000 * exp(0.35 * V)) ); // Rate Rules: h' = (h_infinity - h) / tau_h; // Variable initializations: h = 0.6735613; V = ; time_ = ; end model pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__sodium_current_j_gate(j, V, time_) // Assignment Rules: j_infinity := 1 / (1 + exp((V + 76.1) / 6.07)); tau_j := piecewise( (0.01163 * (1 + exp(-(0.1) * (V + 32)))) / exp(-(0.0000002535) * V) , geq(V, -(40)) , 0.00349 / (((V + 37.78) / (1 + exp(0.311 * (V + 79.23)))) * (-(127140) * exp(0.2444 * V) - 0.00003474 * exp(-(0.04391) * V)) + (0.1212 * exp(-(0.01052) * V)) / (1 + exp(-(0.1378) * (V + 40.14)))) ); // Rate Rules: j' = (j_infinity - j) / tau_j; // Variable initializations: j = 0.6729362; V = ; time_ = ; end model pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__sodium_current(i_Na, E_Na, Na_i, Na_o, R, F, T, time_, V, m, h, j) // Sub-modules, and any changes to those submodules: sodium_current_m_gate: pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__sodium_current_m_gate(m, V, time_); sodium_current_h_gate: pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__sodium_current_h_gate(h, V, time_); sodium_current_j_gate: pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__sodium_current_j_gate(j, V, time_); // Assignment Rules: i_Na := g_Na * power(m, 3) * h * j * (V - E_Na); E_Na := ((R * T) / F) * ln(Na_o / Na_i); g_Na_endo := 1.33 * g_Na; // Variable initializations: g_Na = 1.064; Na_i = ; Na_o = ; R = ; F = ; T = ; end model pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__L_type_Ca_channel_d_gate(d, V, time_) // Assignment Rules: d_infinity := 1 / (1 + exp((V + 15.3) / -(5))); tau_d := 0.00305 * exp(-(0.0045) * power(V + 7, 2)) + 0.00105 * exp(-(0.002) * power(V - 18, 2)) + 0.00025; // Rate Rules: d' = (d_infinity - d) / tau_d; // Variable initializations: d = 0.000002171081; V = ; time_ = ; end model pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__L_type_Ca_channel_f_11_gate(f_11, V, time_) // Assignment Rules: f_11_infinity := 1 / (1 + exp((V + 26.7) / 5.4)); tau_f_11 := 0.105 * exp(-power((V + 45) / 12, 2)) + 0.04 / (1 + exp((- V + 25) / 25)) + 0.015 / (1 + exp((V + 75) / 25)) + 0.0017; // Rate Rules: f_11' = (f_11_infinity - f_11) / tau_f_11; // Variable initializations: f_11 = 0.9999529; V = ; time_ = ; end model pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__L_type_Ca_channel_f_12_gate(f_12, V, time_) // Assignment Rules: f_12_infinity := 1 / (1 + exp((V + 26.7) / 5.4)); tau_f_12 := 0.041 * exp(-power((V + 47) / 12, 2)) + 0.08 / (1 + exp((V + 55) / -(5))) + 0.015 / (1 + exp((V + 75) / 25)) + 0.0017; // Rate Rules: f_12' = (f_12_infinity - f_12) / tau_f_12; // Variable initializations: f_12 = 0.9999529; V = ; time_ = ; end model pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__L_type_Ca_channel_Ca_inact_gate(Ca_inact, V, time_, Ca_ss) // Assignment Rules: Ca_inact_infinity := 1 / (1 + Ca_ss / 0.01); // Rate Rules: Ca_inact' = (Ca_inact_infinity - Ca_inact) / tau_Ca_inact; // Variable initializations: Ca_inact = 0.9913102; tau_Ca_inact = 0.009; V = ; time_ = ; Ca_ss = ; end model pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__L_type_Ca_channel(i_Ca_L, time_, V, Ca_ss, d, f_11, f_12, Ca_inact) // Sub-modules, and any changes to those submodules: L_type_Ca_channel_d_gate: pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__L_type_Ca_channel_d_gate(d, V, time_); L_type_Ca_channel_f_11_gate: pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__L_type_Ca_channel_f_11_gate(f_11, V, time_); L_type_Ca_channel_f_12_gate: pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__L_type_Ca_channel_f_12_gate(f_12, V, time_); L_type_Ca_channel_Ca_inact_gate: pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__L_type_Ca_channel_Ca_inact_gate(Ca_inact, V, time_, Ca_ss); // Assignment Rules: i_Ca_L := g_Ca_L * d * ((0.9 + Ca_inact / 10) * f_11 + (0.1 - Ca_inact / 10) * f_12) * (V - E_Ca_L); // Variable initializations: g_Ca_L = 0.0341; E_Ca_L = 65; end model pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__Ca_independent_transient_outward_K_current_r_gate(r, V, time_) // Assignment Rules: tau_r := 1 / (45.16 * exp(0.03577 * (V + 50)) + 98.9 * exp(-(0.1) * (V + 38))); r_infinity := 1 / (1 + exp((V + 12.5) / -(7.7))); // Rate Rules: r' = (r_infinity - r) / tau_r; // Variable initializations: r = 0.002191519; V = ; time_ = ; end model pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__Ca_independent_transient_outward_K_current_s_gate(s, V, time_) // Assignment Rules: tau_s := 0.0572; s_infinity := 1 / (1 + exp((V + 24.8) / 3.5)); // Rate Rules: s' = (s_infinity - s) / tau_s; // Variable initializations: s = 0.9842542; V = ; time_ = ; end model pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__Ca_independent_transient_outward_K_current(i_t, E_K, time_, V, R, F, T, K_o, K_i, r, s) // Sub-modules, and any changes to those submodules: Ca_independent_transient_outward_K_current_r_gate: pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__Ca_independent_transient_outward_K_current_r_gate(r, V, time_); Ca_independent_transient_outward_K_current_s_gate: pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__Ca_independent_transient_outward_K_current_s_gate(s, V, time_); // Assignment Rules: i_t := g_t * r * s * (V - E_K); E_K := ((R * T) / F) * ln(K_o / K_i); // Variable initializations: g_t = 0.033; R = ; F = ; T = ; K_o = ; K_i = ; end model pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__steady_state_outward_K_current_r_ss_gate(r_ss, V, time_) // Assignment Rules: tau_r_ss := 3 / (45.16 * exp(0.03577 * (V + 50)) + 98.9 * exp(-(0.1) * (V + 38))); r_ss_infinity := 1 / (1 + exp((V + 12.5) / -(7.7))); // Rate Rules: r_ss' = (r_ss_infinity - r_ss) / tau_r_ss; // Variable initializations: r_ss = 0.002907171; V = ; time_ = ; end model pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__steady_state_outward_K_current(i_ss, time_, V, E_K, r_ss) // Sub-modules, and any changes to those submodules: steady_state_outward_K_current_r_ss_gate: pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__steady_state_outward_K_current_r_ss_gate(r_ss, V, time_); // Assignment Rules: i_ss := g_ss * r_ss * (V - E_K); // Variable initializations: g_ss = 0.005; E_K = ; end model pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__slowly_inactivating_delayed_rectifier_K_current_r_K_slow_gate(r_K_slow, V, time_) // Assignment Rules: tau_r_K_slow := 1 / (45.16 * exp(0.03577 * (V + 50)) + 98.9 * exp(-(0.1) * (V + 38))); r_K_slow_infinity := 1 / (1 + exp((V + 12.5) / -(7.7))); // Rate Rules: r_K_slow' = (r_K_slow_infinity - r_K_slow) / tau_r_K_slow; // Variable initializations: r_K_slow = 0.642; V = ; time_ = ; end model pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__slowly_inactivating_delayed_rectifier_K_current_s_K_slow_gate(s_K_slow, V, time_) // Assignment Rules: tau_s_K_slow := 1.174; s_K_slow_infinity := 1 / (1 + exp((V + 37.6) / 5.9)); // Rate Rules: s_K_slow' = (s_K_slow_infinity - s_K_slow) / tau_s_K_slow; // Variable initializations: s_K_slow = 0.314; V = ; time_ = ; end model pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__slowly_inactivating_delayed_rectifier_K_current(i_K_slow, r_K_slow, s_K_slow, V, E_K, time_) // Sub-modules, and any changes to those submodules: slowly_inactivating_delayed_rectifier_K_current_r_K_slow_gate: pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__slowly_inactivating_delayed_rectifier_K_current_r_K_slow_gate(r_K_slow, V, time_); slowly_inactivating_delayed_rectifier_K_current_s_K_slow_gate: pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__slowly_inactivating_delayed_rectifier_K_current_s_K_slow_gate(s_K_slow, V, time_); // Assignment Rules: i_K_slow := g_K_slow * r_K_slow * s_K_slow * (V - E_K); // Variable initializations: g_K_slow = 0.014; E_K = ; end model pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__inward_rectifier(i_K1, time_, V, R, F, T, K_o, K_i, E_K) // Assignment Rules: i_K1 := ((48 / (exp((V + 37) / 25) + exp((V + 37) / -(25))) + 10) * 0.001) / (1 + exp((V - (E_K + 76.77)) / -(17))) + (g_K1 * (V - (E_K + 1.73))) / ((1 + exp((1.613 * F * (V - (E_K + 1.73))) / (R * T))) * (1 + exp((K_o - 0.9988) / -(0.124)))); // Variable initializations: g_K1 = 0.024; time_ = ; V = ; R = ; F = ; T = ; K_o = ; K_i = ; E_K = ; end model pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__hyperpolarisation_activated_current_y_gate(y, V, time_) // Assignment Rules: tau_y := 1 / (0.11885 * exp((V + 80) / 28.37) + 0.5623 * exp((V + 80) / -(14.19))); y_infinity := 1 / (1 + exp((V + 138.6) / 10.48)); // Rate Rules: y' = (y_infinity - y) / tau_y; // Variable initializations: y = 0.003578708; V = ; time_ = ; end model pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__hyperpolarisation_activated_current(i_f, i_f_Na, i_f_K, time_, V, E_K, E_Na, y) // Sub-modules, and any changes to those submodules: hyperpolarisation_activated_current_y_gate: pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__hyperpolarisation_activated_current_y_gate(y, V, time_); // Assignment Rules: i_f := i_f_Na + i_f_K; i_f_Na := g_f * y * f_Na * (V - E_Na); i_f_K := g_f * y * f_K * (V - E_K); f_K := 1 - f_Na; // Variable initializations: g_f = 0.00145; f_Na = 0.2; E_K = ; E_Na = ; end model pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__background_currents(i_B, i_B_Na, i_B_Ca, i_B_K, E_Na, E_K, Ca_o, Ca_i, R, T, F, time_, V) // Assignment Rules: i_B := i_B_Na + i_B_Ca + i_B_K; i_B_Na := g_B_Na * (V - E_Na); i_B_Ca := g_B_Ca * (V - E_Ca); i_B_K := g_B_K * (V - E_K); // Variable initializations: g_B_Na = 0.00008015; g_B_Ca = 0.0000324; g_B_K = 0.000138; E_Ca = 65; E_Na = ; E_K = ; Ca_o = ; Ca_i = ; R = ; T = ; F = ; time_ = ; V = ; end model pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__sodium_potassium_pump(i_NaK, K_o, Na_o, Na_i, R, F, T, V, time_) // Assignment Rules: i_NaK := (((((i_NaK_max * 1) / (1 + 0.1245 * exp((-(0.1) * V * F) / (R * T)) + 0.0365 * sigma * exp((- V * F) / (R * T)))) * K_o) / (K_o + K_m_K)) * 1) / (1 + power(K_m_Na / Na_i, 1.5)); sigma := (exp(Na_o / 67.3) - 1) / 7; // Variable initializations: i_NaK_max = 0.08; K_m_K = 1.5; K_m_Na = 10; K_o = ; Na_o = ; Na_i = ; R = ; F = ; T = ; V = ; time_ = ; end model pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__sarcolemmal_calcium_pump_current(i_Ca_P, Ca_i, time_) // Assignment Rules: i_Ca_P := (i_Ca_P_max * Ca_i) / (Ca_i + 0.0004); // Variable initializations: i_Ca_P_max = 0.004; Ca_i = ; time_ = ; end model pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__Na_Ca_ion_exchanger_current(i_NaCa, Na_i, Na_o, Ca_i, Ca_o, V, time_) // Assignment Rules: i_NaCa := (K_NaCa * (power(Na_i, 3) * Ca_o * exp(0.03743 * V * gamma_NaCa) - power(Na_o, 3) * Ca_i * exp(0.03743 * V * (gamma_NaCa - 1)))) / (1 + d_NaCa * (Ca_i * power(Na_o, 3) + Ca_o * power(Na_i, 3))); // Variable initializations: K_NaCa = 0.000009984; d_NaCa = 0.0001; gamma_NaCa = 0.5; Na_i = ; Na_o = ; Ca_i = ; Ca_o = ; V = ; time_ = ; end model pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__SR_Ca_release_channel(J_rel, time_, Ca_ss, Ca_JSR) // Assignment Rules: J_rel := v1 * (P_O1 + P_O2) * (Ca_JSR - Ca_ss); // Rate Rules: P_O1' = (k_a_plus * power(Ca_ss, n) * P_C1 - (k_a_minus * P_O1 + k_b_plus * power(Ca_ss, m) * P_O1 + k_c_plus * P_O1)) + k_b_minus * P_O2 + k_c_minus * P_C2; P_O2' = k_b_plus * power(Ca_ss, m) * P_O1 - k_b_minus * P_O2; P_C1' = - k_a_plus * power(Ca_ss, n) * P_C1 + k_a_minus * P_O1; P_C2' = k_c_plus * P_O1 - k_c_minus * P_C2; // Variable initializations: v1 = 1.8e3; k_a_plus = 12.15e12; k_a_minus = 576; k_b_plus = 4.05e9; k_b_minus = 1930; k_c_plus = 100; k_c_minus = 0.8; P_O1 = 0.0004327548; P_O2 = 0.000000000606254; P_C1 = 0.6348229; P_C2 = 0.3647471; n = 4; m = 3; time_ = ; Ca_ss = ; Ca_JSR = ; end model pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__SERCA2a_pump(J_up, time_, Ca_i, Ca_NSR) // Assignment Rules: J_up := (K_SR * (Vmaxf * fb - Vmaxr * rb)) / (1 + fb + rb); fb := power(Ca_i / K_fb, N_fb); rb := power(Ca_NSR / K_rb, N_rb); // Variable initializations: K_fb = 0.000168; K_rb = 3.29; Vmaxf = 0.04; Vmaxr = 0.9; K_SR = 1; N_fb = 1.2; N_rb = 1; time_ = ; Ca_i = ; Ca_NSR = ; end model pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__intracellular_and_SR_Ca_fluxes(J_tr, J_xfer, J_trpn, time_, Ca_ss, Ca_i, Ca_NSR, Ca_JSR) // Assignment Rules: J_tr := (Ca_NSR - Ca_JSR) / tau_tr; J_xfer := (Ca_ss - Ca_i) / tau_xfer; J_trpn := J_HTRPNCa + J_LTRPNCa; J_HTRPNCa := k_htrpn_plus * Ca_i * (HTRPN_tot - HTRPNCa) - k_htrpn_minus * HTRPNCa; J_LTRPNCa := k_ltrpn_plus * Ca_i * (LTRPN_tot - LTRPNCa) - k_ltrpn_minus * LTRPNCa; // Rate Rules: HTRPNCa' = J_HTRPNCa; LTRPNCa' = J_LTRPNCa; // Variable initializations: tau_tr = 0.0005747; tau_xfer = 0.0267; HTRPNCa = 1.394301e-1; LTRPNCa = 5.1619e-3; HTRPN_tot = 0.14; LTRPN_tot = 0.07; k_htrpn_plus = 200000; k_htrpn_minus = 0.066; k_ltrpn_plus = 40000; k_ltrpn_minus = 40; time_ = ; Ca_ss = ; Ca_i = ; Ca_NSR = ; Ca_JSR = ; end model pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__intracellular_ion_concentrations(Na_i, Ca_i, K_i, Ca_ss, Ca_JSR, Ca_NSR, time_, F, i_Na, i_Ca_L, i_B_Na, i_NaCa, i_NaK, i_f_Na, i_f_K, i_B_K, i_K1, i_t, i_K_slow, i_ss, i_Ca_P, i_B_Ca, J_up, J_rel, J_xfer, J_trpn, J_tr) // Assignment Rules: beta_i := 1 / (1 + (CMDN_tot * K_mCMDN) / power(K_mCMDN + Ca_i, 2) + (EGTA_tot * K_mEGTA) / power(K_mEGTA + Ca_i, 2)); beta_SS := 1 / (1 + (CMDN_tot * K_mCMDN) / power(K_mCMDN + Ca_ss, 2)); beta_JSR := 1 / (1 + (CSQN_tot * K_mCSQN) / power(K_mCSQN + Ca_JSR, 2)); // Rate Rules: Na_i' = (-(i_Na + i_B_Na + i_NaCa * 3 + i_NaK * 3 + i_f_Na) * 1) / (V_myo * F); Ca_i' = beta_i * (J_xfer - (J_up + J_trpn + (((i_B_Ca - 2 * i_NaCa) + i_Ca_P) * 1) / (2 * V_myo * F))); K_i' = (-(i_ss + i_B_K + i_t + i_K_slow + i_K1 + i_f_K + i_NaK * -(2)) * 1) / (V_myo * F); Ca_ss' = beta_SS * (((J_rel * V_JSR) / V_SS - (J_xfer * V_myo) / V_SS) - (i_Ca_L * 1) / (2 * V_SS * F)); Ca_JSR' = beta_JSR * (J_tr - J_rel); Ca_NSR' = (J_up * V_myo) / V_NSR - (J_tr * V_JSR) / V_NSR; // Variable initializations: Na_i = 10.73519; Ca_i = 0.00007901351; K_i = 139.2751; Ca_ss = 0.00008737212; Ca_JSR = 0.06607948; Ca_NSR = 0.06600742; V_myo = 0.00000936; V_JSR = 0.000000056; V_NSR = 0.000000504; V_SS = 0.0000000012; K_mCMDN = 0.00238; K_mCSQN = 0.8; K_mEGTA = 0.00015; CMDN_tot = 0.05; CSQN_tot = 15; EGTA_tot = 0; time_ = ; F = ; i_Na = ; i_Ca_L = ; i_B_Na = ; i_NaCa = ; i_NaK = ; i_f_Na = ; i_f_K = ; i_B_K = ; i_K1 = ; i_t = ; i_K_slow = ; i_ss = ; i_Ca_P = ; i_B_Ca = ; J_up = ; J_rel = ; J_xfer = ; J_trpn = ; J_tr = ; end model pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__standard_ionic_concentrations(Na_o, Ca_o, K_o) // Variable initializations: Na_o = 140; Ca_o = 1.2; K_o = 5.4; end model *pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle____main() // Sub-modules, and any changes to those submodules: environment: pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__environment(time_); membrane: pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__membrane(V, R, T, F, time_, i_Na, i_Ca_L, i_t, i_ss, i_f, i_K1, i_B, i_NaK, i_NaCa, i_Ca_P, i_K_slow); sodium_current: pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__sodium_current(i_Na, E_Na, Na_i, Na_o, R, F, T, time_, V, m, h, j); L_type_Ca_channel: pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__L_type_Ca_channel(i_Ca_L, time_, V, Ca_ss, d, f_11, f_12, Ca_inact); Ca_independent_transient_outward_K_current: pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__Ca_independent_transient_outward_K_current(i_t, E_K, time_, V, R, F, T, K_o, K_i, r, s); steady_state_outward_K_current: pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__steady_state_outward_K_current(i_ss, time_, V, E_K, r_ss); slowly_inactivating_delayed_rectifier_K_current: pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__slowly_inactivating_delayed_rectifier_K_current(i_K_slow, r_K_slow, s_K_slow, V, E_K, time_); inward_rectifier: pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__inward_rectifier(i_K1, time_, V, R, F, T, K_o, K_i, E_K); hyperpolarisation_activated_current: pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__hyperpolarisation_activated_current(i_f, i_f_Na, i_f_K, time_, V, E_K, E_Na, y); background_currents: pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__background_currents(i_B, i_B_Na, i_B_Ca, i_B_K, E_Na, E_K, Ca_o, Ca_i, R, T, F, time_, V); sodium_potassium_pump: pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__sodium_potassium_pump(i_NaK, K_o, Na_o, Na_i, R, F, T, V, time_); sarcolemmal_calcium_pump_current: pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__sarcolemmal_calcium_pump_current(i_Ca_P, Ca_i, time_); Na_Ca_ion_exchanger_current: pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__Na_Ca_ion_exchanger_current(i_NaCa, Na_i, Na_o, Ca_i, Ca_o, V, time_); SR_Ca_release_channel: pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__SR_Ca_release_channel(J_rel, time_, Ca_ss, Ca_JSR); SERCA2a_pump: pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__SERCA2a_pump(J_up, time_, Ca_i, Ca_NSR); intracellular_and_SR_Ca_fluxes: pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__intracellular_and_SR_Ca_fluxes(J_tr, J_xfer, J_trpn, time_, Ca_ss, Ca_i, Ca_NSR, Ca_JSR); intracellular_ion_concentrations: pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__intracellular_ion_concentrations(Na_i, Ca_i, K_i, Ca_ss, Ca_JSR, Ca_NSR, time_, F, i_Na, i_Ca_L, i_B_Na, i_NaCa, i_NaK, i_f_Na, i_f_K, i_B_K, i_K1, i_t, i_K_slow, i_ss, i_Ca_P, i_B_Ca, J_up, J_rel, J_xfer, J_trpn, J_tr); standard_ionic_concentrations: pandit_model_2001_mouse_ventricle__standard_ionic_concentrations(Na_o, Ca_o, K_o); end