//Created by libAntimony v2.4 // Warnings from automatic translation: // In module 'mclean_2003____main', the variables g_V_CE0 and V_CE.g_V_CE were unable to be set as equivalent: Loop detected: 'g_V_CE0' may not be set to be equal to 'V_CE.g_V_CE' because g_V_CE0's definition already includes V_CE.g_V_CE either directly or by proxy. model mclean_2003__environment(time_) // Variable initializations: time_ = ; end model mclean_2003__F_CE(F_CE, f_L_CE, g_V_CE, a) // Assignment Rules: F_CE := f_L_CE * g_V_CE * a; // Variable initializations: f_L_CE = ; g_V_CE = ; a = ; end model mclean_2003__f_L_CE(f_L_CE, F_min, F_max, L_CE, L_CE_opt) // Assignment Rules: f_L_CE := (F_max * (1 * (1 - L_CE) - power(L_CE_opt, 2))) / (power(W, 2) * power(L_CE_opt, 2)); // Variable initializations: F_min = 10; F_max = ; L_CE = ; L_CE_opt = ; W = 0.63; end model mclean_2003__g_V_CE(g_V_CE, lambda_a, V_CE, d1, d2, d3) // Assignment Rules: g_V_CE := piecewise( (lambda_a * V_max + V_CE) / (lambda_a * V_max - V_CE / A) , V_CE <= 0 , (g_max * V_CE + d1) / (V_CE + d1) , ( 0 < V_CE) && (V_CE <= gamma * d1 ), d3 + d2 * V_CE , V_CE > gamma * d1 ); // Variable initializations: lambda_a = ; V_max = 0.93; V_CE = ; A = 0.25; g_max = 1.5; d1 = ; d2 = ; d3 = ; gamma = 5.67; end model mclean_2003__d1(d1) // Assignment Rules: d1 := (V_max * A * (g_max - 1)) / (S * (A + 1)); // Variable initializations: V_max = 0.93; A = 0.25; g_max = 1.5; S = 2; end model mclean_2003__d2(d2) // Assignment Rules: d2 := (S * (A + 1)) / (V_max * A * power(gamma + 1, 2)); // Variable initializations: S = 2; A = 0.25; V_max = 0.93; gamma = 5.67; end model mclean_2003__d3(d3) // Assignment Rules: d3 := ((g_max - 1) * power(gamma, 2)) / power(gamma + 1, 2) + 1; // Variable initializations: g_max = 1.5; gamma = 5.67; end model mclean_2003__F_SEE(F_SEE, L_SEE) // Assignment Rules: F_SEE := piecewise( 0 , L_SEE <= L_slack , k_SEE * power(L_SEE - L_slack, 2) ); // Variable initializations: k_SEE = 1000000; L_SEE = ; L_slack = 0.0025; end model mclean_2003__F_PEE(F_PEE, k_PEE, L_CE) // Assignment Rules: F_PEE := piecewise( 0 , L_CE <= L_slack , k_PEE * power(L_CE - L_slack, 2) ); // Variable initializations: k_PEE = ; L_CE = ; L_slack = 0.0025; end model mclean_2003__k_PEE(k_PEE, F_max) // Assignment Rules: k_PEE := F_max / power(W * L_CE_opt, 2); // Variable initializations: F_max = ; W = 0.63; L_CE_opt = 0.01; end model mclean_2003__V_CE(V_CE, g_V_CE, F_SEE, L_m, L_CE, F_PEE, a, f_L_CE) // Assignment Rules: V_CE := 1 * (((1 / g_V_CE) * (F_SEE * (L_m - L_CE) - F_PEE * L_CE)) / (a * f_L_CE)); // Variable initializations: g_V_CE = ; F_SEE = ; L_m = ; L_CE = ; F_PEE = ; a = ; f_L_CE = ; end model mclean_2003__F_m(F_m, F_SEE, L_m, L_CE) // Assignment Rules: F_m := F_SEE; // Variable initializations: F_SEE = ; L_m = ; L_CE = ; end model mclean_2003__user_defined_constants(a, F_max, L_CE_opt) // Variable initializations: a = 0.8; F_max = 7000; L_CE_opt = 0.093; end model mclean_2003__lambda_a(a, lambda_a) // Assignment Rules: lambda_a := 1 * ((1 - exp(-(3.82) * a)) + a * exp(-(3.82))); // Variable initializations: a = ; end model mclean_2003__L_CE(L_CE, V_CE, time_) // Rate Rules: L_CE' = 1 * V_CE; // Variable initializations: L_CE = 0.038; V_CE = ; time_ = ; end model mclean_2003__L_SEE(L_SEE, L_m, L_CE) // Assignment Rules: L_SEE := L_m - L_CE; // Variable initializations: L_m = ; L_CE = ; end model mclean_2003__L_m(L_m, time_) // Assignment Rules: L_m := piecewise( 0.038 , time_ <= 1 , 0.038 + 0.002 * (time_ - 1) , ( time_ > 1) && (time_ < 2 ), 0.04 ); // Variable initializations: time_ = ; end model *mclean_2003____main() // Sub-modules, and any changes to those submodules: environment: mclean_2003__environment(time_); F_CE: mclean_2003__F_CE(F_CE0, f_L_CE0, g_V_CE0, a); f_L_CE: mclean_2003__f_L_CE(f_L_CE0, F_min, F_max, L_CE0, L_CE_opt); g_V_CE: mclean_2003__g_V_CE(g_V_CE0, lambda_a0, V_CE0, d10, d20, d30); d1: mclean_2003__d1(d10); d2: mclean_2003__d2(d20); d3: mclean_2003__d3(d30); F_SEE: mclean_2003__F_SEE(F_SEE0, L_SEE0); F_PEE: mclean_2003__F_PEE(F_PEE0, k_PEE0, L_CE0); k_PEE: mclean_2003__k_PEE(k_PEE0, F_max); V_CE: mclean_2003__V_CE(V_CE0, g_V_CE1, F_SEE0, L_m0, L_CE0, F_PEE0, a, f_L_CE0); F_m: mclean_2003__F_m(F_m0, F_SEE0, L_m0, L_CE0); user_defined_constants: mclean_2003__user_defined_constants(a, F_max, L_CE_opt); lambda_a: mclean_2003__lambda_a(a, lambda_a0); L_CE: mclean_2003__L_CE(L_CE0, V_CE0, time_); L_SEE: mclean_2003__L_SEE(L_SEE0, L_m0, L_CE0); L_m: mclean_2003__L_m(L_m0, time_); end