//Created by libAntimony v2.4 model bertram_2000_slow__environment(time_) // Variable initializations: time_ = ; end model bertram_2000_slow__membrane(time_, V, ICa, IK, Il, Is1, Is2) // Rate Rules: V' = -(ICa + IK + Il + Is1 + Is2) / Cm; // Variable initializations: time_ = ; Cm = 4524; V = -43; ICa = ; IK = ; Il = ; Is1 = ; Is2 = ; end model bertram_2000_slow__Ca_current(time_, V, ICa) // Assignment Rules: minf := 1 / (1 + exp((Vm - V) / sm)); ICa := gCa * minf * (V - VCa); // Variable initializations: time_ = ; V = ; Vm = -22; VCa = 100; gCa = 280; sm = 7.5; end model bertram_2000_slow__rapid_K_current(time_, IK, VK, V) // Assignment Rules: IK := gK * n * (V - VK); taun := tnbar / (1 + exp((V - Vn) / sn)); ninf := 1 / (1 + exp((Vn - V) / sn)); // Rate Rules: n' = (lambda * (ninf - n)) / (taun * 1); // Variable initializations: time_ = ; VK = -80; V = ; gK = 1300; n = 0.03; lambda = 1.1; tnbar = 9.09; Vn = -9; sn = 10; end model bertram_2000_slow__slow_K_current(time_, Is1, V, VK) // Assignment Rules: Is1 := gs1 * s1 * (V - VK); s1inf := 1 / (1 + exp((Vs1 - V) / ss1)); // Rate Rules: s1' = (s1inf - s1) / (taus1 * 1); // Variable initializations: time_ = ; gs1 = 3; s1 = 0.1; V = ; VK = ; Vs1 = -40; ss1 = 0.5; taus1 = 1000; end model bertram_2000_slow__very_slow_K_current(time_, V, VK, Is2) // Assignment Rules: s2inf := 1 / (1 + exp((Vs2 - V) / ss2)); Is2 := gs2 * s2 * (V - VK); // Rate Rules: s2' = (s2inf - s2) / (taus2 * 1); // Variable initializations: time_ = ; V = ; VK = ; Vs2 = -42; s2 = 0.434; ss2 = 0.4; gs2 = 32; taus2 = 120000; end model bertram_2000_slow__leak_current(time_, Il, V) // Assignment Rules: Il := gl * (V - Vl); // Variable initializations: time_ = ; gl = 25; Vl = -40; V = ; end model *bertram_2000_slow____main() // Sub-modules, and any changes to those submodules: environment: bertram_2000_slow__environment(time_); membrane: bertram_2000_slow__membrane(time_, V, ICa, IK, Il, Is1, Is2); Ca_current: bertram_2000_slow__Ca_current(time_, V, ICa); rapid_K_current: bertram_2000_slow__rapid_K_current(time_, IK, VK, V); slow_K_current: bertram_2000_slow__slow_K_current(time_, Is1, V, VK); very_slow_K_current: bertram_2000_slow__very_slow_K_current(time_, V, VK, Is2); leak_current: bertram_2000_slow__leak_current(time_, Il, V); end