//Created by libAntimony v2.4 model vancapelle_durrer_1980_version02__environment(time_) // Variable initializations: time_ = ; end model vancapelle_durrer_1980_version02__membrane(time_) // Assignment Rules: Y_infinity_Vm := piecewise( 0.0 , Vm < -80.0 , 1.0 , Vm > -60.0 , (Vm + 80.0) / 20.0 ); I_ion := - Y * i1_Vm - (1.0 - Y) * i0_Vm; i1_Vm := piecewise( 0.05 + 0.005 * (Vm + 70.0) , Vm < -70.0 , 0.06 + 0.00425 * Vm , Vm > 0.0 , 0.05 + (0.01 * (Vm + 70.0)) / 70.0 ); i0_Vm := i1_Vm + f_Vm; f_Vm := piecewise( 0.0784 + 0.02 * (Vm + 74.3) , Vm < -74.3 , -0.9884 + 0.0171 * (Vm + 27.8) , Vm > -27.8 , af * power(Vm, 3.0) + bf * power(Vm, 2.0) + cf * Vm + df ); // Rate Rules: Y' = (1.0 / T) * (Y_infinity_Vm - Y); // Variable initializations: C = 0.01; T = 50.0; Y = 0.07; Vm = -78.6; time_ = ; af = 0.00003837854; bf = 0.00584649; cf = 0.2531834; df = 2.356256; end model *vancapelle_durrer_1980_version02____main() // Sub-modules, and any changes to those submodules: environment: vancapelle_durrer_1980_version02__environment(time_); membrane: vancapelle_durrer_1980_version02__membrane(time_); end