//Created by libAntimony v2.4 model demir_1999__environment(time_) // Variable initializations: time_ = ; end model demir_1999__membrane(V, R, T, F, time_, i_Na, i_Ca_T, i_Ca_L, i_K, i_f, i_B, i_NaK, i_NaCa, i_Ca_P, i_K_ACh) // Rate Rules: V' = -(i_Na + i_Ca_T + i_Ca_L + i_K + i_f + i_B + i_NaK + i_NaCa + i_Ca_P + i_K_ACh) / Cm; // Variable initializations: V = -49.54105; R = 8314.472; T = 310; F = 96485.3415; Cm = 5.5e-5; time_ = ; i_Na = ; i_Ca_T = ; i_Ca_L = ; i_K = ; i_f = ; i_B = ; i_NaK = ; i_NaCa = ; i_Ca_P = ; i_K_ACh = ; end model demir_1999__sodium_current_m_gate(m, V, time_) // Assignment Rules: m_infinity := alpha_m / (alpha_m + beta_m); tau_m := 1 / (alpha_m + beta_m) + 0.000015; alpha_m := (-(824) * (V + 51.9)) / (exp((V + 51.9) / -(8.9)) - 1); beta_m := 32960 * exp((V + 51.9) / -(8.9)); // Rate Rules: m' = (m_infinity - m) / tau_m; // Variable initializations: m = 0.250113; V = ; time_ = ; end model demir_1999__sodium_current_h_gate(h1, h2, V, time_) // Assignment Rules: h1_infinity := alpha_h1 / (alpha_h1 + beta_h1); h2_infinity := h1_infinity; tau_h1 := 1 / (alpha_h1 + beta_h1); tau_h2 := 20 * tau_h1; alpha_h1 := 165 * exp((V + 101.3) / -(12.6)); beta_h1 := 12360 / (320 * exp((V + 101.3) / -(12.6)) + 1); // Rate Rules: h1' = (h1_infinity - h1) / tau_h1; h2' = (h2_infinity - h2) / tau_h2; // Variable initializations: h1 = 0.001386897; h2 = 0.002065463; V = ; time_ = ; end model demir_1999__sodium_current(i_Na, E_Na, Na_c, ACh, R, F, T, time_, V, m, h1, h2) // Sub-modules, and any changes to those submodules: sodium_current_m_gate: demir_1999__sodium_current_m_gate(m, V, time_); sodium_current_h_gate: demir_1999__sodium_current_h_gate(h1, h2, V, time_); // Assignment Rules: i_Na := (((F_ACh_Na * P_Na * power(m, 3) * h1 * h2 * Na_c * V * power(F, 2)) / (R * T)) * (exp(((V - E_Na) * F) / (R * T)) - 1)) / (exp((V * F) / (R * T)) - 1); F_ACh_Na := 1 - ACh / (ACh + 1E-3); // Variable initializations: P_Na = 0.00344; E_Na = ; Na_c = ; ACh = ; R = ; F = ; T = ; end model demir_1999__L_type_Ca_channel_d_gate(d_L, d_L_infinity, V, time_) // Assignment Rules: d_L_infinity := 1 / (1 + exp((V + 14.1) / -(6))); alpha_d_L := (-(28.39) * (V + 35)) / (exp((V + 35) / -(2.5)) - 1) + (-(84.9) * V) / (exp(-(0.208) * V) - 1); beta_d_L := (11.43 * (V - 5)) / (exp(0.4 * (V - 5)) - 1); tau_d_L := 1 / (alpha_d_L + beta_d_L); // Rate Rules: d_L' = (d_L_infinity - d_L) / tau_d_L; // Variable initializations: d_L = 0.002572773; V = ; time_ = ; end model demir_1999__L_type_Ca_channel_f_gate(f_L, V, time_) // Assignment Rules: alpha_f_L := (3.75 * (V + 28)) / (exp((V + 28) / 4) - 1); beta_f_L := 30 / (1 + exp((V + 28) / -(4))); f_L_infinity := 1 / (1 + exp((V + 30) / 5)); tau_f_L := 1 / (alpha_f_L + beta_f_L); // Rate Rules: f_L' = (f_L_infinity - f_L) / tau_f_L; // Variable initializations: f_L = 0.98651; V = ; time_ = ; end model demir_1999__L_type_Ca_channel(i_Ca_L, cAMP, time_, V, d_L, d_L_infinity, f_L) // Sub-modules, and any changes to those submodules: L_type_Ca_channel_d_gate: demir_1999__L_type_Ca_channel_d_gate(d_L, d_L_infinity, V, time_); L_type_Ca_channel_f_gate: demir_1999__L_type_Ca_channel_f_gate(f_L, V, time_); // Assignment Rules: i_Ca_L := g_Ca_L * (f_L * d_L + 0.095 * d_L_infinity) * (V - E_Ca_L); g_Ca_L := g_Ca_L_cont * F_cAMP_CaL; F_cAMP_CaL := 0.4 * (1 + (4.5 * cAMP) / (cAMP + 6.5E-3)) + 0.03157; // Variable initializations: g_Ca_L_cont = 0.02115; cAMP = ; E_Ca_L = 46.4; end model demir_1999__T_type_Ca_channel_d_gate(d_T, V, time_) // Assignment Rules: alpha_d_T := 1068 * exp((V + 26.3) / 30); beta_d_T := 1068 * exp((V + 26.3) / -(30)); d_T_infinity := 1 / (1 + exp((V + 26.3) / -(6))); tau_d_T := 1 / (alpha_d_T + beta_d_T); // Rate Rules: d_T' = (d_T_infinity - d_T) / tau_d_T; // Variable initializations: d_T = 0.02012114; V = ; time_ = ; end model demir_1999__T_type_Ca_channel_f_gate(f_T, V, time_) // Assignment Rules: alpha_f_T := 15.3 * exp((V + 61.7) / -(83.3)); beta_f_T := 15 * exp((V + 61.7) / 15.38); f_T_infinity := 1 / (1 + exp((V + 61.7) / 5.6)); tau_f_T := 1 / (alpha_f_T + beta_f_T); // Rate Rules: f_T' = (f_T_infinity - f_T) / tau_f_T; // Variable initializations: f_T = 0.1945111; V = ; time_ = ; end model demir_1999__T_type_Ca_channel(i_Ca_T, time_, V, d_T, f_T) // Sub-modules, and any changes to those submodules: T_type_Ca_channel_d_gate: demir_1999__T_type_Ca_channel_d_gate(d_T, V, time_); T_type_Ca_channel_f_gate: demir_1999__T_type_Ca_channel_f_gate(f_T, V, time_); // Assignment Rules: i_Ca_T := g_Ca_T * d_T * f_T * (V - E_Ca_T); // Variable initializations: g_Ca_T = 0.02521; E_Ca_T = 45; end model demir_1999__delayed_rectifying_potassium_current_P_a_gate(P_a, V, time_) // Assignment Rules: tau_P_a := 1 / (17 * exp(0.0398 * V) + 2.11 * exp(-(0.051) * V)); P_a_infinity := 1 / (1 + exp((V + 5.1) / -(7.4))); // Rate Rules: P_a' = (P_a_infinity - P_a) / tau_P_a; // Variable initializations: P_a = 0.02302278; V = ; time_ = ; end model demir_1999__delayed_rectifying_potassium_current_P_i_gate(P_i, V, time_) // Assignment Rules: alpha_P_i := 100 * exp(-(0.0183) * V); beta_P_i := 656 * exp(0.00942 * V); // Rate Rules: P_i' = alpha_P_i * (1 - P_i) - beta_P_i * P_i; // Variable initializations: P_i = 0.3777728; V = ; time_ = ; end model demir_1999__delayed_rectifying_potassium_current(i_K, cAMP, E_K, time_, V, K_b, P_a, P_i) // Sub-modules, and any changes to those submodules: delayed_rectifying_potassium_current_P_a_gate: demir_1999__delayed_rectifying_potassium_current_P_a_gate(P_a, V, time_); delayed_rectifying_potassium_current_P_i_gate: demir_1999__delayed_rectifying_potassium_current_P_i_gate(P_i, V, time_); // Assignment Rules: i_K := g_K * P_a * P_i * (V - E_K); g_K := F_cAMP_K * 0.00693 * power(K_b / 1, 0.59); F_cAMP_K := 0.62 * (1 + (2.6129 * cAMP) / (cAMP + 9E-3)) - 0.025; // Variable initializations: cAMP = ; E_K = ; K_b = ; end model demir_1999__linear_background_current(i_B, i_B_Na, i_B_Ca, i_B_K, E_Na, E_Ca, E_K, ACh, time_, V) // Assignment Rules: i_B := i_B_Na + i_B_Ca + i_B_K; i_B_Na := F_ACh_bNa * g_B_Na * (V - E_Na); i_B_Ca := g_B_Ca * (V - E_Ca); i_B_K := g_B_K * (V - E_K); F_ACh_bNa := 1 - ACh / (ACh + 5E-1); // Variable initializations: g_B_Na = 0.00016; g_B_Ca = 0.0000364; g_B_K = 0.0000694; E_Na = ; E_Ca = ; E_K = ; ACh = ; time_ = ; V = ; end model demir_1999__hyperpolarisation_activated_current_y_gate(y, cAMP, V, time_) // Assignment Rules: y_infinity := 1 / (1 + exp((V - V_half) / 9)); V_half := 20.5 / (1 + exp((cAMP - 3.4E-3) / -(5E-4))) - 78.56; tau_y := 1 / (1.6483 * exp((V + 54.06) / -(24.33)) + 14.01055 / (0.7 + exp((V + 60) / -(5.5)))); // Rate Rules: y' = (y_infinity - y) / tau_y; // Variable initializations: y = 0.09227776; cAMP = ; V = ; time_ = ; end model demir_1999__hyperpolarisation_activated_current(i_f, i_f_Na, i_f_K, time_, V, cAMP, y) // Sub-modules, and any changes to those submodules: hyperpolarisation_activated_current_y_gate: demir_1999__hyperpolarisation_activated_current_y_gate(y, cAMP, V, time_); // Assignment Rules: i_f := i_f_Na + i_f_K; i_f_Na := g_f_Na * power(y, 2) * (V - 75); i_f_K := g_f_K * power(y, 2) * (V + 85); // Variable initializations: g_f_Na = 0.0067478; g_f_K = 0.0128821; end model demir_1999__sodium_potassium_pump(i_NaK, cAMP, Na_i, K_c, Ca_i, V, time_) // Assignment Rules: i_NaK := piecewise( ((2 - F_cAMP_NaK) * i_NaK_max * power(Na_i / (K_m_Na + Na_i), 3) * power(K_c / (K_m_K + K_c), 2) * 1.6) / (1.5 + exp((V + 60) / -(40))) , Ca_i < 0.00015 , (F_cAMP_NaK * i_NaK_max * power(Na_i / (K_m_Na + Na_i), 3) * power(K_c / (K_m_K + K_c), 2) * 1.6) / (1.5 + exp((V + 60) / -(40))) ); F_cAMP_NaK := 1.6 / (1 + exp((cAMP - 3.75E-3) / -(1.5E-4))) + 0.99; // Variable initializations: K_m_Na = 5.46; K_m_K = 0.621; i_NaK_max = 0.2192; cAMP = ; Na_i = ; K_c = ; Ca_i = ; V = ; time_ = ; end model demir_1999__calcium_pump_current(i_Ca_P, Ca_i, time_) // Assignment Rules: i_Ca_P := (i_Ca_P_max * Ca_i) / (Ca_i + 0.0004); // Variable initializations: i_Ca_P_max = 0.02869; Ca_i = ; time_ = ; end model demir_1999__sodium_calcium_pump(i_NaCa, Na_i, Na_c, Ca_i, Ca_c, V, time_) // Assignment Rules: i_NaCa := (K_NaCa * (power(Na_i, 3) * Ca_c * exp(0.03743 * V * gamma) - power(Na_c, 3) * Ca_i * exp(0.03743 * V * (gamma - 1)))) / (1 + d_NaCa * (Ca_i * power(Na_c, 3) + Ca_c * power(Na_i, 3))); // Variable initializations: K_NaCa = 0.00001248; d_NaCa = 0.0001; gamma = 0.5; Na_i = ; Na_c = ; Ca_i = ; Ca_c = ; V = ; time_ = ; end model demir_1999__muscarinic_potassium_current(i_K_ACh, ACh, V, E_K, f_Vagal, time_) // Assignment Rules: i_K_ACh := a * I_K_ACh; I_K_ACh := g_K_ACh * (V - E_K); g_K_ACh := P_M2_KACh * g_K_ACh_base; P_M2_KACh := piecewise( 1.026 / (1 + exp((f_Vagal + 11.05) / -(7.5095))) - 0.99 , ( f_Vagal < 100) && (f_Vagal > 25 ), 0.0006 ); alpha_a := 17 * exp(0.0133 * (V + 40)); beta_a := 12.32 / (1 + 0.0042 / ACh); // Rate Rules: a' = beta_a * (1 - a) - alpha_a * a; // Variable initializations: ACh = ; g_K_ACh_base = 7.833e-3; V = ; E_K = ; a = 0; f_Vagal = ; time_ = ; end model demir_1999__intracellular_concentrations_and_buffer_equations(Na_i, Ca_i, K_i, Vol, V_i, i_NaK, i_NaCa, i_B_Na, i_f_Na, i_Na, i_K, i_B_K, i_f_K, i_Ca_L, i_Ca_T, i_Ca_P, i_B_Ca, i_up, i_rel, F, time_) // Assignment Rules: phi_C := 129000 * Ca_i * (1 - Ca_Calmod) - 307 * Ca_Calmod; phi_TC := 50500 * Ca_i * (1 - Ca_Trop) - 252 * Ca_Trop; phi_TMgC := 129000 * Ca_i * (1 - (Ca_Mg_Trop + Mg_Mg_Trop)) - 4.25 * Ca_Mg_Trop; phi_TMgM := 1290 * Mg_i * (1 - (Ca_Mg_Trop + Mg_Mg_Trop)) - 429 * Mg_Mg_Trop; phi_B := F_C + F_TC + F_TMgC; F_C := 0.09 * phi_C; F_TC := 0.031 * phi_TC; F_TMgC := 0.062 * phi_TMgC; V_i := 0.465 * Vol; // Rate Rules: Na_i' = -(3 * i_NaK + 3 * i_NaCa + i_B_Na + i_f_Na + i_Na) / (F * V_i); Ca_i' = ((2 * i_NaCa + i_rel) - (i_Ca_L + i_Ca_T + i_Ca_P + i_B_Ca + i_up)) / (2 * V_i * F) - phi_B; K_i' = (2 * i_NaK - (i_K + i_f_K + i_B_K)) / (F * V_i); Ca_Calmod' = phi_C; Ca_Trop' = phi_TC; Ca_Mg_Trop' = phi_TMgC; Mg_Mg_Trop' = phi_TMgM; // Variable initializations: Na_i = 9.701621; Ca_i = 3.787018e-4; K_i = 1.407347e2; Ca_Calmod = 0.1411678; Ca_Trop = 0.07331396; Ca_Mg_Trop = 0.7618549; Mg_Mg_Trop = 0.2097049; Mg_i = 2.5; Vol = ; i_NaK = ; i_NaCa = ; i_B_Na = ; i_f_Na = ; i_Na = ; i_K = ; i_B_K = ; i_f_K = ; i_Ca_L = ; i_Ca_T = ; i_Ca_P = ; i_B_Ca = ; i_up = ; i_rel = ; F = ; time_ = ; end model demir_1999__cleft_space_equations(Na_c, Ca_c, K_c, K_b, Vol, i_NaK, i_NaCa, i_B_Na, i_f_Na, i_Na, i_K, i_B_K, i_f_K, i_Ca_L, i_Ca_T, i_Ca_P, i_B_Ca, F, time_) // Assignment Rules: V_c := 0.136 * Vol; // Rate Rules: Na_c' = (Na_b - Na_c) / tau_p + (i_Na + 3 * i_NaCa + 3 * i_NaK + i_B_Na + i_f_Na) / (F * V_c); Ca_c' = (Ca_b - Ca_c) / tau_p + (-(2) * i_NaCa + i_Ca_L + i_Ca_T + i_Ca_P + i_B_Ca) / (2 * F * V_c); K_c' = (K_b - K_c) / tau_p + (-(2) * i_NaK + i_K + i_B_K + i_f_K) / (F * V_c); // Variable initializations: Na_c = 139.9988; Ca_c = 2.00474; K_c = 5.389014; K_b = 5.4; Na_b = 140; Ca_b = 2; Vol = 3.497e-6; tau_p = 0.01; i_NaK = ; i_NaCa = ; i_B_Na = ; i_f_Na = ; i_Na = ; i_K = ; i_B_K = ; i_f_K = ; i_Ca_L = ; i_Ca_T = ; i_Ca_P = ; i_B_Ca = ; F = ; time_ = ; end model demir_1999__SR_Ca_uptake_and_release(i_rel, i_up, V_i, Ca_i, F, V, time_) // Assignment Rules: i_rel := alpha_rel * power(F2 / (F2 + 0.25), 2) * Ca_rel; i_up := (alpha_up * Ca_i - beta_up * Ca_up * K1) / K2; i_tr := ((Ca_up - Ca_rel) * 2 * F * V_up) / 0.06418; K1 := (k_cyca * k_xcs) / k_SRCa; K2 := Ca_i + Ca_up * K1 + k_cyca * k_xcs + k_cyca; r_act := 240 * exp((V - 40) * 0.08) + 240 * power(Ca_i / (Ca_i + k_rel), 4); r_inact := 40 + 240 * power(Ca_i / (Ca_i + k_rel), 4); phi_Calse := 770 * Ca_rel * (1 - Ca_Calse) - 641 * Ca_Calse; V_up := 0.01166 * V_i; V_rel := 0.001296 * V_i; // Rate Rules: Ca_up' = (i_up - i_tr) / (2 * V_up * F); Ca_rel' = (i_tr - i_rel) / (2 * V_rel * F) - 11.48 * phi_Calse; Ca_Calse' = phi_Calse; F1' = 0.96 * F3 - r_act * F1; F2' = r_act * F1 - r_inact * F2; F3' = r_inact * F2 - 0.96 * F3; // Variable initializations: Ca_up = 16.95311; alpha_up = 0.08; beta_up = 0.072; Ca_rel = 16.85024; alpha_rel = 0.5; k_cyca = 0.00005; k_xcs = 0.9; k_SRCa = 22; k_rel = 0.004; Ca_Calse = 0.9528726; F1 = 0.1133251; F2 = 0.0007594214; F3 = 0.8859153; V_i = ; Ca_i = ; F = ; V = ; time_ = ; end model demir_1999__reversal_potentials(E_Na, E_K, E_Ca, K_c, Na_c, K_i, Na_i, Ca_c, Ca_i, R, T, F, time_) // Assignment Rules: E_Na := ((R * T) / F) * ln(Na_c / Na_i); E_K := ((R * T) / F) * ln(K_c / K_i); E_Ca := ((0.5 * R * T) / F) * ln(Ca_c / Ca_i); // Variable initializations: K_c = ; Na_c = ; K_i = ; Na_i = ; Ca_c = ; Ca_i = ; R = ; T = ; F = ; time_ = ; end model demir_1999__cAMP_balance(cAMP, ACh, time_, f_Vagal) // Rate Rules: cAMP' = 1 * (K_ADC * ((1 + Iso / (Iso + Km_Iso)) - (P_M2_ADC * ACh) / (P_M2_ADC * ACh + Km_ACh)) - (V_PDE * cGMP * cAMP) / (cAMP + K_PDE * cGMP)); // Variable initializations: cAMP = 3e-3; cGMP = 2e-3; Iso = 0; ACh = 0; Km_Iso = 0.14e-3; Km_ACh = 0.14e-3; K_PDE = 6; K_ADC = 8e-3; V_PDE = 20; P_M2_ADC = 0.02; time_ = ; f_Vagal = 200; end model *demir_1999____main() // Sub-modules, and any changes to those submodules: environment: demir_1999__environment(time_); membrane: demir_1999__membrane(V, R, T, F, time_, i_Na, i_Ca_T, i_Ca_L, i_K, i_f, i_B, i_NaK, i_NaCa, i_Ca_P, i_K_ACh); sodium_current: demir_1999__sodium_current(i_Na, E_Na, Na_c, ACh, R, F, T, time_, V, m, h1, h2); L_type_Ca_channel: demir_1999__L_type_Ca_channel(i_Ca_L, cAMP, time_, V, d_L, d_L_infinity, f_L); T_type_Ca_channel: demir_1999__T_type_Ca_channel(i_Ca_T, time_, V, d_T, f_T); delayed_rectifying_potassium_current: demir_1999__delayed_rectifying_potassium_current(i_K, cAMP, E_K, time_, V, K_b, P_a, P_i); linear_background_current: demir_1999__linear_background_current(i_B, i_B_Na, i_B_Ca, i_B_K, E_Na, E_Ca, E_K, ACh, time_, V); hyperpolarisation_activated_current: demir_1999__hyperpolarisation_activated_current(i_f, i_f_Na, i_f_K, time_, V, cAMP, y); sodium_potassium_pump: demir_1999__sodium_potassium_pump(i_NaK, cAMP, Na_i, K_c, Ca_i, V, time_); calcium_pump_current: demir_1999__calcium_pump_current(i_Ca_P, Ca_i, time_); sodium_calcium_pump: demir_1999__sodium_calcium_pump(i_NaCa, Na_i, Na_c, Ca_i, Ca_c, V, time_); muscarinic_potassium_current: demir_1999__muscarinic_potassium_current(i_K_ACh, ACh, V, E_K, f_Vagal, time_); intracellular_concentrations_and_buffer_equations: demir_1999__intracellular_concentrations_and_buffer_equations(Na_i, Ca_i, K_i, Vol, V_i, i_NaK, i_NaCa, i_B_Na, i_f_Na, i_Na, i_K, i_B_K, i_f_K, i_Ca_L, i_Ca_T, i_Ca_P, i_B_Ca, i_up, i_rel, F, time_); cleft_space_equations: demir_1999__cleft_space_equations(Na_c, Ca_c, K_c, K_b, Vol, i_NaK, i_NaCa, i_B_Na, i_f_Na, i_Na, i_K, i_B_K, i_f_K, i_Ca_L, i_Ca_T, i_Ca_P, i_B_Ca, F, time_); SR_Ca_uptake_and_release: demir_1999__SR_Ca_uptake_and_release(i_rel, i_up, V_i, Ca_i, F, V, time_); reversal_potentials: demir_1999__reversal_potentials(E_Na, E_K, E_Ca, K_c, Na_c, K_i, Na_i, Ca_c, Ca_i, R, T, F, time_); cAMP_balance: demir_1999__cAMP_balance(cAMP, ACh, time_, f_Vagal); end