//Created by libAntimony v2.4 model calcineurin__calcineurin(t, Ca, Ntot, act_Napp) // Assignment Rules: act_N := power(Ca, n) / (power(Ca, n) + power(K_mN, n) * (1 + K_dN / M)); act_Napp := piecewise( act_N , t < tNinhib , act_N * power(exponentiale, -(t - tNinhib) / tau_actN) , geq(t, tNinhib) ); // Variable initializations: t = ; Ca = ; M = 6000; Ntot = 1000; K_mN = 535; n = 2.92; K_dN = 1760; tau_actN = 0.070059; tNinhib = 3600; end model *calcineurin____main() // Sub-modules, and any changes to those submodules: calcineurin: calcineurin__calcineurin(t, Ca, Ntot, act_Napp); end