//Created by libAntimony v2.4 model cartwright_model_1986__environment(time_) // Variable initializations: time_ = ; end model cartwright_model_1986__R(R, L, T, time_) // Assignment Rules: H := piecewise( 0.0 , x < 0.0 , 0.5 , x == 0.0 , 1.0 , x > 0.0 ); x := 2.0 - (L / L_ + T / T_); // Rate Rules: R' = rR * H - dR * R; // Variable initializations: R = 0.0; L_ = 30.0; T_ = 8.0; dR = 0.10; rR = 0.1; L = ; T = ; time_ = ; end model cartwright_model_1986__L(L, R, time_) // Rate Rules: L' = rL * R - dL * L; // Variable initializations: L = 10.0; dL = 0.015; rL = 5.0; R = ; time_ = ; end model cartwright_model_1986__T(T, L, time_) // Rate Rules: T' = rT * L - dT * T; // Variable initializations: T = 12.0; dT = 0.023; rT = 0.01; L = ; time_ = ; end model *cartwright_model_1986____main() // Sub-modules, and any changes to those submodules: environment: cartwright_model_1986__environment(time_); R: cartwright_model_1986__R(R0, L0, T0, time_); L: cartwright_model_1986__L(L0, R0, time_); T: cartwright_model_1986__T(T0, L0, time_); end