//Created by libAntimony v2.4 model bertram_satin_zhang_smolen_sherman_2004_version01__environment(time_) // Variable initializations: time_ = ; end model bertram_satin_zhang_smolen_sherman_2004_version01__membrane(V, ICa, IKATP, VK, c, time_) // Assignment Rules: IK := gK * n * (V - VK); ICa := gCa * minf * (V - VCa); IKCa := (gKCa / (1 + power(kd / c, 2))) * (V - VK); minf := 1 / (1 + exp(-(20 + V / 1) / 12)); ninf := 1 / (1 + exp(-(16 + V / 1) / 5)); // Rate Rules: V' = -(IK + ICa + IKCa + IKATP) / Cm; n' = (ninf - n) / taun; // Variable initializations: V = -60; IKATP = ; Cm = 5300; gK = 2700; VK = ; n = 0; gKCa = 600; kd = 0.5; c = ; gCa = 1000; VCa = 25; taun = 20; time_ = ; end model bertram_satin_zhang_smolen_sherman_2004_version01__calcium_handling(time_, c, cer, ICa) // Assignment Rules: Jmem := -(alpha * ICa + kpmca * c); Jer := (epser * (Jleak - Jserca)) / lambdaer; Jserca := Kserca * c; Jleak := pleak * (cer - c); // Rate Rules: c' = fcyt * (Jmem + Jer); cer' = - fer * sigmaV * Jer; // Variable initializations: time_ = ; c = 0.25; cer = 185; fcyt = 0.01; fer = 0.01; sigmaV = 31; pleak = 0.0002; Kserca = 0.4; lambdaer = 1; epser = 1; alpha = 0.00000450; ICa = ; kpmca = 0.2; end model bertram_satin_zhang_smolen_sherman_2004_version01__glycolysis(time_, rgpdh, atot, pfkbas, f6p, pfk, fbp) // Assignment Rules: rgpdh := 0.2 * root(abs((fbp * 1) / power(1, 2))); f6p := 0.3 * g6p; // Rate Rules: g6p' = lambda * (Rgk * 1 - pfk / 1); fbp' = lambda * (pfk / 1 - 0.5 * rgpdh); // Variable initializations: time_ = ; Rgk = 0.2; atot = 3000; pfkbas = 0.06; lambda = 0.005; pfk = ; g6p = 200; fbp = 40; end model bertram_satin_zhang_smolen_sherman_2004_version01__pfk(time_, pfk, pfkbas, atp, f6p, fbp, amp) // Assignment Rules: pfk := 1 * ((pfkbas * cat * topa16 + cat * topb) / bottom16); weight2 := power(atp, 2) / (k4 * 1); topa2 := topa1; bottom2 := bottom1 + weight2; topa3 := topa2 + weight3; weight3 := power(f6p, 2) / (k3 * 1); bottom3 := bottom2 + weight3; weight4 := power(f6p * atp, 2) / (fatp * k3 * k4 * power(1, 2)); topa4 := topa3 + weight4; bottom4 := bottom3 + weight4; weight5 := fbp / k2; topa5 := topa4; bottom5 := bottom4 + weight5; weight6 := (fbp * power(atp, 2)) / (k2 * k4 * fbt * 1); topa6 := topa5; bottom6 := bottom5 + weight6; weight7 := (fbp * power(f6p, 2)) / (k2 * k3 * ffbp * 1); topa7 := topa6 + weight7; bottom7 := bottom6 + weight7; weight8 := (fbp * power(f6p, 2) * power(atp, 2)) / (k2 * k3 * k4 * ffbp * fbt * fatp * power(1, 2)); topa8 := topa7 + weight8; bottom8 := bottom7 + weight8; weight9 := amp / k1; topa9 := topa8; bottom9 := bottom8 + weight9; weight10 := (amp * power(atp, 2)) / (k1 * k4 * fmt * 1); topa10 := topa9; bottom10 := bottom9 + weight10; weight11 := (amp * power(f6p, 2)) / (k1 * k3 * famp * 1); topa11 := topa10 + weight11; bottom11 := bottom10 + weight11; weight12 := (amp * power(f6p, 2) * power(atp, 2)) / (k1 * k3 * k4 * famp * fmt * fatp * power(1, 2)); topa12 := topa11 + weight12; bottom12 := bottom11 + weight12; weight13 := (amp * fbp) / (k1 * k2); topa13 := topa12; bottom13 := bottom12 + weight13; weight14 := (amp * fbp * power(atp, 2)) / (k1 * k2 * k4 * fbt * fmt * 1); topa14 := topa13; bottom14 := bottom13 + weight14; weight15 := (amp * fbp * power(f6p, 2)) / (k1 * k2 * k3 * ffbp * famp * 1); topa15 := topa14; bottom15 := bottom14 + weight15; weight16 := (amp * fbp * power(f6p, 2) * power(atp, 2)) / (k1 * k2 * k3 * k4 * ffbp * famp * fbt * fmt * fatp * power(1, 2)); topa16 := topa15 + weight16; bottom16 := bottom15 + weight16; topb := weight15; // Variable initializations: time_ = ; bottom1 = 1; pfkbas = ; topa1 = 0; k1 = 30; k2 = 1; k3 = 50000; k4 = 1000; cat = 2; atp = ; f6p = ; famp = 0.02; fatp = 20; ffbp = 0.2; fbt = 20; fmt = 20; fbp = ; amp = ; end model bertram_satin_zhang_smolen_sherman_2004_version01__KATP(time_, IKATP, VK, atp, adp, V) // Assignment Rules: mgadp := 0.165 * adp; adp3m := 0.135 * adp; atp4m := 0.05 * atp; topo := 0.08 * (1 + (2 * mgadp) / (kdd * 1)) + 0.89 * power(mgadp / (kdd * 1), 2); bottomo := power(1 + mgadp / (kdd * 1), 2) * (1 + adp3m / (ktd * 1) + atp4m / (ktt * 1)); katpo := topo / bottomo; IKATP := gkatpbar * katpo * (V - VK); // Variable initializations: time_ = ; VK = -75; gkatpbar = 25000; atp = ; adp = ; kdd = 17; ktd = 26; ktt = 1; V = ; end model bertram_satin_zhang_smolen_sherman_2004_version01__nucleotides(time_, atp, adp, c, rgpdh, amp, atot) // Assignment Rules: atp := 0.5 * ((atot - adp) + rad * 1); fback := r + y; y := vg * (rgpdh / (kg + rgpdh)); amp := (adp * adp) / atp; rad := root(abs(power(adp - atot, 2) - 4 * power(adp, 2))) / 1; ratio := atp / adp; // Rate Rules: adp' = (atp - adp * exp(fback * (1 - c / r1))) / (taua * 1); // Variable initializations: time_ = ; adp = 780; taua = 300000; r1 = 0.35; c = ; r = 1; vg = 2.2; rgpdh = ; kg = 10; atot = ; end model *bertram_satin_zhang_smolen_sherman_2004_version01____main() // Sub-modules, and any changes to those submodules: environment: bertram_satin_zhang_smolen_sherman_2004_version01__environment(time_); membrane: bertram_satin_zhang_smolen_sherman_2004_version01__membrane(V, ICa, IKATP, VK, c, time_); calcium_handling: bertram_satin_zhang_smolen_sherman_2004_version01__calcium_handling(time_, c, cer, ICa); glycolysis: bertram_satin_zhang_smolen_sherman_2004_version01__glycolysis(time_, rgpdh, atot, pfkbas, f6p, pfk0, fbp); pfk: bertram_satin_zhang_smolen_sherman_2004_version01__pfk(time_, pfk0, pfkbas, atp, f6p, fbp, amp); KATP: bertram_satin_zhang_smolen_sherman_2004_version01__KATP(time_, IKATP, VK, atp, adp, V); nucleotides: bertram_satin_zhang_smolen_sherman_2004_version01__nucleotides(time_, atp, adp, c, rgpdh, amp, atot); end