// Created by libAntimony v2.8.0 model *BIOMD0000000007() // Compartments and Species: compartment Cell; substanceOnly species UbE in Cell, UbE2 in Cell, Wee1 in Cell, Cdc25 in Cell; substanceOnly species G2K in Cell, R in Cell, G1K in Cell, IE in Cell, PG2 in Cell; substanceOnly species G1R in Cell, G2R in Cell, PG2R in Cell, $SPF in Cell; substanceOnly species $MPF in Cell, $IEB in Cell, $UbEB in Cell, $UbE2B in Cell; substanceOnly species $Wee1B in Cell, $Cdc25B in Cell, $Rum1Total in Cell; substanceOnly species $Cdc13Total in Cell, $Cig2Total in Cell; // Assignment Rules: SPF := Cig1 + alpha*G1K + MPF; MPF := G2K + beta*PG2; IEB := 1 - IE; UbEB := 1 - UbE; UbE2B := 1 - UbE2; Wee1B := 1 - Wee1; Cdc25B := 1 - Cdc25; Rum1Total := G1R + G2R + PG2R + R; Cdc13Total := G2K + G2R + PG2 + PG2R; Cig2Total := G1K + G1R; k2 := UbE*V2 + (1 - UbE)*V2prime; k6 := UbE2*V6 + (1 - UbE2)*V6prime; kwee := Vwprime*(1 - Wee1) + Vw*Wee1; k25 := Cdc25*V25 + (1 - Cdc25)*V25prime; // Rate Rules: Mass' = Mass*mu; // Reactions: G2K_Creation: => G2K; k1; G1K_Creation: => G1K; k5; Cdc2Phos: G2K -> PG2; G2K*kwee - k25*PG2; G2R_Creation: G2K + R -> G2R; G2K*k7*R - G2R*k7r; PG2R_Creation: PG2 + R -> PG2R; k7*PG2*R - k7r*PG2R; Rum1DegInG2R: G2R => G2K; G2R*k4; Rum1Deg: R => ; k4*R; Rum1DegInPG2R: PG2R => PG2; k4*PG2R; RumDegInG1R: G1R => G1K; G1R*k4; G2K_dissoc: G2K => ; G2K*k2; PG2_dissoc: PG2 => ; k2*PG2; G1K_Dissociation: G1K => ; G1K*k6; PG2R_Dissociation: PG2R => R; k2prime*PG2R; G2R_Dissociation: G2R => R; G2R*k2prime; G1R_Dissociation: G1R => R; G1R*k6prime; G1R_Binding: G1K + R -> G1R; G1K*k8*R - G1R*k8r; G2R_Dissociation_UbE: G2R => R; G2R*k2; PG2R_Dissociation_UbE: PG2R => R; k2*PG2R; Rum1_Production: => R; k3; Rum1_Deg_SPF: R => ; (kp*Mass*R*SPF)/(Kmp + R); IE_Reaction: $IEB -> IE; (IEB*ki*MPF)/(IEB + Kmi) - (IE*kir)/(IE + Kmir); UbE_Reaction: $UbEB -> UbE; (IE*ku*UbEB)/(Kmu + UbEB) - (kur*UbE)/(Kmur + UbE); UbE2_Reaction: $UbE2B -> UbE2; (ku2*MPF*UbE2B)/(Kmu2 + UbE2B) - (kur2*UbE2)/(Kmur2 + UbE2); Wee1_Reaction: $Wee1B -> Wee1; (kwr*Wee1B)/(Kmwr + Wee1B) - (kw*MPF*Wee1)/(Kmw + Wee1); Cdc25_Reaction: $Cdc25B -> Cdc25; (Cdc25B*kc*MPF)/(Cdc25B + Kmc) - (Cdc25*kcr)/(Cdc25 + Kmcr); // Events: Start: at 60 after SPF >= 0.1: kp = kp/2; Division: at UbE <= 0.1: Mass = Mass/2, kp = 2*kp; // Species initializations: UbE = 0.11/Cell; UbE2 = 0; Wee1 = 0; Cdc25 = 0; G2K = 0; R = 0.4/Cell; G1K = 0; IE = 0; PG2 = 0; G1R = 0; G2R = 0; PG2R = 0; // Compartment initializations: Cell = 1; Cell has volume; // Variable initializations: Cig1 = 0; alpha = 0.25; beta = 0.05; kp = 3.25; Mass = 0.49; mu = 0.00495; k1 = 0.015; k2prime = 0.05; k3 = 0.09375; k4 = 0.1875; k5 = 0.00175; k6prime = 0; k7 = 100; k7r = 0.1; k8 = 10; k8r = 0.1; kc = 1; kcr = 0.25; ki = 0.4; kir = 0.1; ku = 0.2; kur = 0.1; ku2 = 1; kur2 = 0.3; kw = 1; kwr = 0.25; V2 = 0.25; V2prime = 0.0075; V6 = 7.5; V6prime = 0.0375; V25 = 0.5; V25prime = 0.025; Vw = 0.35; Vwprime = 0.035; Kmc = 0.1; Kmcr = 0.1; Kmi = 0.01; Kmir = 0.01; Kmp = 0.001; Kmu = 0.01; Kmur = 0.01; Kmu2 = 0.05; Kmur2 = 0.05; Kmw = 0.1; Kmwr = 0.1; // Other declarations: var kp, Mass, k2, k6, kwee, k25; const Cell, Cig1, alpha, beta, mu, k1, k2prime, k3, k4, k5, k6prime, k7; const k7r, k8, k8r, kc, kcr, ki, kir, ku, kur, ku2, kur2, kw, kwr, V2, V2prime; const V6, V6prime, V25, V25prime, Vw, Vwprime, Kmc, Kmcr, Kmi, Kmir, Kmp; const Kmu, Kmur, Kmu2, Kmur2, Kmw, Kmwr; // Unit definitions: unit time_unit = 60 second; unit volume = litre; // Display Names: time_unit is "minutes"; UbE is "ubiquitinProtease1"; UbE2 is "ubiquitinProtease2"; G2K is "Cdc13_Cdc2"; R is "FreeRum1"; G1K is "Cig2_Cdc2"; IE is "IntermediaryEnzyme"; PG2 is "Cdc13_P-Cdc2"; G1R is "Cig2_Cdc2_Rum1"; G2R is "Cdc13_Cdc2_Rum1"; PG2R is "Cdc13_P-Cdc2_Rum1"; SPF is "S-phasePromotingFactor"; MPF is "M-phasePromotingFactor"; IEB is "BoundIntermediaryEnzyme"; UbEB is "BoundUbiquitinProtease1"; UbE2B is "BoundUbiquitinProtease2"; Wee1B is "BoundWee1"; Cdc25B is "BoundCdc25"; Rum1Total is "TotalRum1"; Cdc13Total is "TotalCdc13"; Cig2Total is "TotalCig2"; Start is "S-Phase Start"; Division is "Cell Division"; k2prime is "k2'"; k6prime is "k6'"; V2prime is "V2'"; V6prime is "V6'"; V25prime is "V25'"; Vwprime is "Vw'"; G2K_Creation is "Cdc13_Cdc2 creation"; G1K_Creation is "Cig2_Cdc2 creation"; Cdc2Phos is "Cdc2 phosphorylation"; G2R_Creation is "binding of Rum1 with Cdc13_Cdc2"; PG2R_Creation is "binding of Rum1 with Cdc13_P-Cdc2"; Rum1DegInG2R is "Rum1 degradation in Rum1_Cdc13_Cdc2"; Rum1Deg is "Rum1 degradation in solution"; Rum1DegInPG2R is "Rum1 degradation in Rum1_Cdc13_P-Cdc2"; RumDegInG1R is "Rum1 degradation in Rum1_Cig2_Cdc2"; G2K_dissoc is "Cdc13 degradation in Cdc13_Cdc2"; PG2_dissoc is "Cdc13 degradation in Cdc13_P-Cdc2"; G1K_Dissociation is "Cig2 degradation in Cig2_Cdc2"; PG2R_Dissociation is "Cdc13 degradation in Rum1_Cdc13_P-Cdc2"; G2R_Dissociation is "Cdc13 degradation in Rum1_Cdc13_Cdc2"; G1R_Dissociation is "Cig2 degradation in Rum1_Cig2_Cdc2"; G1R_Binding is "Binding of Rum1 to Cig2_Cdc2"; G2R_Dissociation_UbE is "UbE mediated degradation of Cdc13_Cdc2 in Rum1_Cdc13_Cdc2"; PG2R_Dissociation_UbE is "UbE mediated degradation of Cdc13_Cdc2 in Rum1_Cdc13_P-Cdc2"; Rum1_Production is "Rum1 creation"; Rum1_Deg_SPF is "Rum1 degradation by SPF"; IE_Reaction is "IE production & degradation"; UbE_Reaction is "UbE production & degradation"; UbE2_Reaction is "UbE2 production & degradation"; Wee1_Reaction is "Wee1 production & degradation"; Cdc25_Reaction is "Cdc25 production & degradation"; end